Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional and important celebration in China.
Dragon Boat Festival 2020 falls on June 25 (Tursday). Chendongtech will have 3 days of holiday from Thursday (June 25) to Saturday (June 27), and
we will be back at work on Sunday , June 28.
If any projects need us, ps contact us.
How Chinese People Celebrate the Festival.
Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) is a folk festival celebrated for over 2,000 years, when Chinese people practice various customs thought to
dispel disease, and invoke good health.
Some of the most traditional customs include dragon boat racing, eating sticky rice dumplings (zongzi), hanging Chinese mugwort and calumus,
drinking realgar wine, and wearing perfume pouches.
Wish you all have a nice holiday.